Just after High School, I started working at a well known photo studio in the Fresno area. And its there, I Got my first taste of working with people. In a Photo studio, you work with people, you take into consideration why they are taking photos, who they are giving the photos out to, why kinds of smiles they are interested in, or not interested in, what clothes they want to wear or showcase, etc. Along with those, you get to work with a lot of different ages, so here are some of the things I have learned over the years, and some experiences I have had, not only behind the camera, but being in front of the camera.
Newborns and Infants are when a person first experiences photography. Its a critical time a baby has no idea whats going on, but relates whats going on, with other things that have happen to them. If you look at a photo studio, you see the lights, the camera, people look at you, they are on a flat table, etc. So if you really think about it, babies may feel like they are at the doctors office, maybe getting shots. On the other hand if the photographer takes the steps to make it seem like its a fun and exciting area, the baby will have fun. Most Newborns and Infants are asleep when they go in a take pictures, so you start there, sleeping baby pics are extremely cute and everyone loves them. But when they are awake, you must keep them happy, making goofy faces, making sounds (But not to loud that is scares them), and using stuffed animals.
With toddlers all the way through 1st grade, its all about getting their attention, keeping their attention, and acting stupid is typically the way to go. For some reason violence works wonders. At the Photo Studio, we use to have this stuffed pillow birthday cake with one fake candle attached to the top of it. I would grab it by the candle and smack it in my face, then, as if i was a cartoon, sake my head from side to side as if I was dazed. It looks funnier then it sounds. Or I would have the little guy give me a low five and the moment they hit my hand, I would drop to my knees as if they were so strong it knocked me down. They just thought it was the funniest thing in the world, and I would get great smiles.
For kids 1st grade and up to 6th grade, words work wonders. For me, its stinky feet and fuzzy pickles. I ask them to say one of those, and it gets them to laugh. At this point in age, these kids have been photographed for years, and its just another stupid picture they have to take, so by having them say something off the wall, it Catches them off guard that they cant help but smile or laugh. But keep in mind to change it up from time to time, because words stop being funny after a while. Plus at this age range, a mixture of saying funny or strange things, as well as doing funny or strange things may work for some, but not for all. Some kids may just look at you thinking your stupid.
Which brings me to 7th grade to Junior year of High School. With this age group, it is easiest to relate to them. A lot of these people listen to the same music as you do, go or watch the same movies you do, talk like you do, and with that, get the same jokes you do. So interacting with them is simple and easy. Now the trick is getting them to smile. With boys of this age range, they don't wont to smile, they wont to look straight faced or in some aspects, mean. So to through some of them off guard, you can have them say fuzzy pickles or stinky feet, or even Cuddle bear. But if you joke around with them, you might be able to get them to crack a smile, but you have to be quick to get it, because it may only happen once. With girls, its a different story. If they want to show there attitude, its cute, and being a guy, and showing them how to give attitude, is always funny to them, so you get a great pose plus a great expression. Then if they want to look cute, they will smile for you anyway.
Seniors in High School are a dream. It does not matter if its a guy or girl, this particular subject range is great, they want to be photographed, they want to show their personality, or they want to show who they are or what they do. They are fun, easy to work with, and are a lot of fun. Also with this age they are opinionated without having an opinion. What I mean is, I cant tell you how many times I will show a girl a picture, and they say they don't like it, and I ask, no problem, "What don't you like about it?", and they say "I don't know".
Adults and Families are fun! When it comes to adults, they show up to smile, they have fun with you, they treat you as if your apart of the family. With families, parents smile when they need to, and hope that the kids smile too. They know going into the picture that its going to hang up on their wall, or be sent out to all their other family and want to look great. and kids show up because they want to go out to dinner afterward and have fun.
These are just some aspects throughout the ages, What do you remember about these ages? any good aspects over bad ones? Tell me about some of the pictures you have taken during these years.
Capturing Life, Love And All The Fun Stuff In Between! For Samples, Scroll all the way Down!

Contact Info
Have Wedding, Engagement, Family, Holiday, Sports, or any other kind of Photography that needs to be taken? Contact me for an affordable Quote thats hard to beat! You can reach me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001383557885, Email me at Sthomasinc@yahoo.com, or even Call me at 559-367-4937
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Art of Magic in Photography.
Ever since Photography started nearly 180 years ago, people have been amazed at how photography works and appeals to people. Most people take photography for granted. It's really easy to go out and buy a camera for a couple hundred dollars and snap pictures like crazy. Photography is not only an art, but a larger aspect that can lead to stories, memories, imaginations, history, and even the future.
In the last several years, Photography has jumped leaps and bounds in the advancement of technology. Some would say its a good thing, others a bad, but whatever your opinion is, I feel there is better to come. With the jump from film to digital, you had the expansion of data that can be viewed faster then ever before. In the days of film, You would take a picture, have to wait not only for the entire roll of film to be used, but then, you would have to wait anywhere from an hour, to a week, to get the film developed and see how the pictures came out. But with the advancement of digital and video feedback, you can see the images that you have taken, in a matter of seconds. Then, you add editing programs like Photoshop, you can turn a Great picture, into art. Here is an example of a photo I took last night (1/23/11) around 4:30pm (Pacific Standard Time) of the Southern California Sky line. Heres the before, and after:
Before was Great! |
![]() |
After is Awsome! |
It takes a Good eye to take a picture, but a Great eye to make is Art, and with that, tell me what you think, give me some ideas, freedback. Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Great Customer Service in Photography
In addition to 15 years of photography, Customer Services has been one of the biggest parts of photography. Point blank and simple, Without Customers, there is no Service. The strange part about it, is that people don't get it. In this industry, your photography is the heart of your customers. And if you don't take that into consideration, you will not go far in this business. For me, I love photography, the events, and most of all the clients I have worked for. Over the years, People have asked me several questions, and every part of each of the answers, stems from the love and friendship I feel for the people I have photographed. For each Customer, your not just taking a random picture. Your capturing a moment in their life, that can only be relived via memories, pictures, or in video, and if you don't remember that, you wont have customers. So here are some things to think about when photographing Customers, that will insure great customer service.
First things first..... You need to love what your doing. If you don't love what your doing, it will show in your pictures. In loving what you do, you take pride in your work, and make it a point to take the best pictures you can possibly take, and if the image is not looking like you want it, you will keep trying until it looks right. The best part of loving what you do, is you end up having a lot of fun, and enjoying yourself. The great part is, when you're having fun and enjoying yourself, it shows in your pictures, and the Customers will love you for it.
That being said, the second is...... Yes, Having fun and Enjoying yourself is the second part to insuring great Customer Services. When I first started out at the Photo Studios, I was always having fun, and customers would ask, how can you keep that up all day, you must be exhausted after work. And I say the same thing then, as I say now. I get paid to act stupid, I just embellish it way to much. Everyone always says, if your not having fun, why do it??? And I feel the same way, so I try and have fun with my clients, enjoy myself in their moments, just as I would in my moments. Think about this, does anyone want to be around someone whom does not enjoy themselves and seems to be having fun? And these moments your capturing are the Customers so have fun with them.
3rd, Interaction......... I came up with a quote in High School, and I have loved it ever since. You must interact with the art, not just look at it. Getting to know who your photographing, what they like, dislike, etc is a must to insure great Customer Service. If you don't get to know them, how can you try and photograph and make sure the moments you capture, are ones they want you to capture. Or for that matter, the images you present to them, have the quality they are interested in. If they like Black and White pictures or Sepia, or if they like different styles or pictures from different angels. Its all apart of the interaction you have with your customers. The great part about getting to know your customers, is not only do you find out what they like, but you end up becoming a great part of their experience, and they will trust you.
Lastly, I feel Trust and Honesty is Key. When your photographing a wedding, the customer needs to feel that your an honest trusting person that will make sure you capture everything you want them to capture. If you look at things from their point of view. Most photographers require payment before the event, so the customer has to trust that your going to show up, and not run off with their money. If your photographing a wedding, the couple must trust that you get the kiss, etc. And the majority of the time, customers don't get to see the pictures until well after their event, so they have to trust that the pictures come out great. So if your honest, and you want to ensure customers know that, be honest with them and don't hide anything from them.
These are just some of the things I have learned over the years, and have seen through experiences. A lot of times Customers have so much on their mind with the event they are preparing for, that they want to feel like everything is going to come out fantastic, and it is our job to help with that. If these are the last words you read, here it is....... A photographer is one of the most important people to show up. In a wedding, 6 people/company are a must. The Bride and Groom, the Pastor, the Photographer, the Catering or food, and the DJ. A photographer is just as important as 4 out of the 6, and since you world for the other 2, taking care of your clients or customers, is the Greatest form of Customer Service possible.
I have been doing this along time, but I am by far no expert, what are your thoughts? Please Share your experiences and memories you have had. Good, Bad, Ugly, Please Share............
First things first..... You need to love what your doing. If you don't love what your doing, it will show in your pictures. In loving what you do, you take pride in your work, and make it a point to take the best pictures you can possibly take, and if the image is not looking like you want it, you will keep trying until it looks right. The best part of loving what you do, is you end up having a lot of fun, and enjoying yourself. The great part is, when you're having fun and enjoying yourself, it shows in your pictures, and the Customers will love you for it.
That being said, the second is...... Yes, Having fun and Enjoying yourself is the second part to insuring great Customer Services. When I first started out at the Photo Studios, I was always having fun, and customers would ask, how can you keep that up all day, you must be exhausted after work. And I say the same thing then, as I say now. I get paid to act stupid, I just embellish it way to much. Everyone always says, if your not having fun, why do it??? And I feel the same way, so I try and have fun with my clients, enjoy myself in their moments, just as I would in my moments. Think about this, does anyone want to be around someone whom does not enjoy themselves and seems to be having fun? And these moments your capturing are the Customers so have fun with them.
3rd, Interaction......... I came up with a quote in High School, and I have loved it ever since. You must interact with the art, not just look at it. Getting to know who your photographing, what they like, dislike, etc is a must to insure great Customer Service. If you don't get to know them, how can you try and photograph and make sure the moments you capture, are ones they want you to capture. Or for that matter, the images you present to them, have the quality they are interested in. If they like Black and White pictures or Sepia, or if they like different styles or pictures from different angels. Its all apart of the interaction you have with your customers. The great part about getting to know your customers, is not only do you find out what they like, but you end up becoming a great part of their experience, and they will trust you.
Lastly, I feel Trust and Honesty is Key. When your photographing a wedding, the customer needs to feel that your an honest trusting person that will make sure you capture everything you want them to capture. If you look at things from their point of view. Most photographers require payment before the event, so the customer has to trust that your going to show up, and not run off with their money. If your photographing a wedding, the couple must trust that you get the kiss, etc. And the majority of the time, customers don't get to see the pictures until well after their event, so they have to trust that the pictures come out great. So if your honest, and you want to ensure customers know that, be honest with them and don't hide anything from them.
These are just some of the things I have learned over the years, and have seen through experiences. A lot of times Customers have so much on their mind with the event they are preparing for, that they want to feel like everything is going to come out fantastic, and it is our job to help with that. If these are the last words you read, here it is....... A photographer is one of the most important people to show up. In a wedding, 6 people/company are a must. The Bride and Groom, the Pastor, the Photographer, the Catering or food, and the DJ. A photographer is just as important as 4 out of the 6, and since you world for the other 2, taking care of your clients or customers, is the Greatest form of Customer Service possible.
I have been doing this along time, but I am by far no expert, what are your thoughts? Please Share your experiences and memories you have had. Good, Bad, Ugly, Please Share............
Monday, January 10, 2011
Great Months for Events Photography
Even though winter is not over yet, its always a good time to plan ahead for different events that you have coming up. Weather your planning for a Wedding, Engagements, Senior pics, Family Pics or any other special event, you always want to plan well in advance to make sure you have a great photographer, and plenty of time to get everything you want done, done. Here are some suggestions that I would make, when planning special events, and getting great pictures taken.
Since spring is just around the corner, this is a great time to start planning different events outdoors. For Special Events and Photography, Spring is the best time to crank things into high gear. A lot of people feel Summer is the best time to have these events, but only because there is a better chance of sunny weather. A lot of people don't realize how hot it gets in some areas. Great times to have your Special events are:
February: Depending on where you are located in the world, February is a great time for Special Events, and heres why..... During the Months of Jan. and Dec. you get a lot of rainy, cold, windy, and sometimes (depending on where you live) Snow. But in February is a great time, because just as it starts to warm up, the grasses get greener, the Sun is out, but its not so hot that you don't want to be in side, and there is a slight chill in the air, to wear if you have your event outside, your skin will have a slight red tint to it, giving you more color. Then there are the holidays, Just about every Monday or Friday in Feb. is filled with a holiday, and with that, So People will have the time off to go to your event. Event with all these great aspects of Feb. there are some down falls. With Feb. you have some chances of rain, and grey clouds (which grey clouds do make for great shadows and lighting patterns) and because of the holidays, you have 50\50 chances of booking deals with places to hold your event, plain tickets, etc. But if you are willing to hunt, the great deals are out there. As for a photographer, Feb. may not be a busy time for photographers, so they will be available for your event.
March: If you think Feb. is great, March is even better. Set in the heart of spring, you have flowers in bloom, grasses are greener, fruit is in season, and trees are filled with leaves. Traveling couldn't be better, and for the weather, its amazing. Lets talk about costs, For venues (places to hold your event) prices are great, affordable, and most places can accommodated the date of your choice. Because Fruits and Veg. are in season, you can get better pricing on food, flowers and lots lots more. Now for some down sides, still some chances of rain toward the first and last week of the month. Plus, you have a higher chance of pests being around to put a damper on your event.
May: Just after April showers, You have may Flowers. Same Perks as Feb. and March. Great colors, everything is in season. Weather is bright and Sunny, not to hot, not to cold. Early May is better then late May because the later part of May is when the wedding season really gets Started. Some big downfalls to May though, Prices on travel can go up and down because along with Wedding season, most people start planning or going on vacation. Other services such as Catering, DJ, Photography, Venues, etc get booked up fast with different events, such as school dances, proms, as well as sporting events, etc.
October: Some people reading this think I might be crazy for this month, but September gets a lot of rain (depending on where you live), and with rain, you have areas that liven up with color. Like Feb and March. you have prices coming down for lots of the products and services. You have great colors in trees, the sky, etc. Venues and other companies including Photography, Catering, and Flower shops can accommodate the dates you need, Plus you have great pricing on Travel. downfalls can be expected though. Chances of rain are higher, you have some areas that can be muddy, dying out, and it can be cold.
No matter what events your trying to plan for, keep some of these things in mind. Plan way in advance, when you know you want to plan an event, start making those phone calls, you should event consider an event planner, that way you have someone that will do every thing for you, and not skip any steps in the process. Plus, try to have a backup plan or other plans, just in case you need to have other options. You don't have to book those backups, but check if places, people, products and services are available. What do you guys think, tell me about a special event you have put together and how it turned out? Do you have any suggestions for others?????? Here are some pictures I have taken throughout the different months of the year.
Since spring is just around the corner, this is a great time to start planning different events outdoors. For Special Events and Photography, Spring is the best time to crank things into high gear. A lot of people feel Summer is the best time to have these events, but only because there is a better chance of sunny weather. A lot of people don't realize how hot it gets in some areas. Great times to have your Special events are:
February: Depending on where you are located in the world, February is a great time for Special Events, and heres why..... During the Months of Jan. and Dec. you get a lot of rainy, cold, windy, and sometimes (depending on where you live) Snow. But in February is a great time, because just as it starts to warm up, the grasses get greener, the Sun is out, but its not so hot that you don't want to be in side, and there is a slight chill in the air, to wear if you have your event outside, your skin will have a slight red tint to it, giving you more color. Then there are the holidays, Just about every Monday or Friday in Feb. is filled with a holiday, and with that, So People will have the time off to go to your event. Event with all these great aspects of Feb. there are some down falls. With Feb. you have some chances of rain, and grey clouds (which grey clouds do make for great shadows and lighting patterns) and because of the holidays, you have 50\50 chances of booking deals with places to hold your event, plain tickets, etc. But if you are willing to hunt, the great deals are out there. As for a photographer, Feb. may not be a busy time for photographers, so they will be available for your event.
March: If you think Feb. is great, March is even better. Set in the heart of spring, you have flowers in bloom, grasses are greener, fruit is in season, and trees are filled with leaves. Traveling couldn't be better, and for the weather, its amazing. Lets talk about costs, For venues (places to hold your event) prices are great, affordable, and most places can accommodated the date of your choice. Because Fruits and Veg. are in season, you can get better pricing on food, flowers and lots lots more. Now for some down sides, still some chances of rain toward the first and last week of the month. Plus, you have a higher chance of pests being around to put a damper on your event.
May: Just after April showers, You have may Flowers. Same Perks as Feb. and March. Great colors, everything is in season. Weather is bright and Sunny, not to hot, not to cold. Early May is better then late May because the later part of May is when the wedding season really gets Started. Some big downfalls to May though, Prices on travel can go up and down because along with Wedding season, most people start planning or going on vacation. Other services such as Catering, DJ, Photography, Venues, etc get booked up fast with different events, such as school dances, proms, as well as sporting events, etc.
October: Some people reading this think I might be crazy for this month, but September gets a lot of rain (depending on where you live), and with rain, you have areas that liven up with color. Like Feb and March. you have prices coming down for lots of the products and services. You have great colors in trees, the sky, etc. Venues and other companies including Photography, Catering, and Flower shops can accommodate the dates you need, Plus you have great pricing on Travel. downfalls can be expected though. Chances of rain are higher, you have some areas that can be muddy, dying out, and it can be cold.
No matter what events your trying to plan for, keep some of these things in mind. Plan way in advance, when you know you want to plan an event, start making those phone calls, you should event consider an event planner, that way you have someone that will do every thing for you, and not skip any steps in the process. Plus, try to have a backup plan or other plans, just in case you need to have other options. You don't have to book those backups, but check if places, people, products and services are available. What do you guys think, tell me about a special event you have put together and how it turned out? Do you have any suggestions for others?????? Here are some pictures I have taken throughout the different months of the year.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Equipment, Creativity, & A Great Eye!
During the last 15 wonderful years of photography, I have gotten the chance to work with some utterly FANTASTIC Photographers, and learn from all of them. And throughout those years, I have seen some of the different equipment that those photographers have used, and still use to this day. Some of the biggest misconceptions is that the equipment makes a picture look great, but I can assure you, there is so much more to it then that. So here are some of the things I have learned throughout the years, that have worked for me.......
First things first, the equipment. You can take the a picture, the same way, with 5 different cameras, and capture the same image. Yes, some equipment can do better things, but if you have a great eye for photography, you will get some great pictures. Several years ago, I lived in Fresno California, and went to the Fresno County Fair. During that Fair, like all Fairs, they have an art area, where local photographers get to showoff their work, and along with showing the work they have to offer, is they showcase what camera was used. When I looked in the case, one of the pictures caught my eye, and the camera that was used that won a Blue ribbon was a disposable point and shoot camera. Also think about this, Ansel Adams, one of the best, if not the best landscape photographers. He would hike up to remote locations in Yosemite, Ca. in the earliest parts of the morning, and wait, at times, all day to take a perfect picture. And what did he use????? He used a Kodak No. 1 Box Brownie. Which if you don't know what that it is, to describe it, would be a wooden box with a piece of class on one end, and a curtain on the end to poke your head in, and look through the glass.
Another thing that people seem to think makes a great picture is mega pixels. Mega pixels help with showing great detail, and when enlarging pictures, the more mega pixels you have, the better resolution you'll have. but Mega pixels don't mean your going to take a great picture. With Technology the way it is, it grows so so much, and so fast, that its hard to keep up, and with the prices each camera body costs, we cant go and buy everything new that comes out. So you may ask, what equipment can help make a picture good? Well, different camera bodies have different features, and each of those features do different things. So it really depends on what you are wanting to photograph. If your doing sports, your going to want a fast shutter speed, at least 10 mega Pixels, and different lenses with different measurements for distances. Along with that, a good external flash with zoom capability to compensate for the distance or make sure the flash has enough power. Vs. if your photographing a wedding, you should have some of the same equipment, shorter lenses, a fast flash with a backup power pack to refresh your power faster, a sense of order and organization, and a creative eye to capture romance in the air.
Now that we know that you can get great pictures with all different kinds of equipment, how does Creativity and a Great Eye Come into play???? These two things go hand and hand in creating a great picture. You need to be able to see the Beauty in everything around you, and then..... Be able to do something different with it. Try to photograph a single object, but find 5 ways to photograph it. Yes, How? easy, photograph it from different angels, maybe shine some different lights on it. So say your photographing a square candle. Well we know a candle has 6 sides, so you can photograph it at least 6 different ways to start. Then, you can photograph it with two different sides showing, with the candle lit, not lit, etc. A great way to do this, is think outside the box, try different things, and if you like it, great, if no, try other things. Check out these ways I have photograph candles. Let me know what you think, give me your opinion and try some stuff out for yourself......... Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!
First things first, the equipment. You can take the a picture, the same way, with 5 different cameras, and capture the same image. Yes, some equipment can do better things, but if you have a great eye for photography, you will get some great pictures. Several years ago, I lived in Fresno California, and went to the Fresno County Fair. During that Fair, like all Fairs, they have an art area, where local photographers get to showoff their work, and along with showing the work they have to offer, is they showcase what camera was used. When I looked in the case, one of the pictures caught my eye, and the camera that was used that won a Blue ribbon was a disposable point and shoot camera. Also think about this, Ansel Adams, one of the best, if not the best landscape photographers. He would hike up to remote locations in Yosemite, Ca. in the earliest parts of the morning, and wait, at times, all day to take a perfect picture. And what did he use????? He used a Kodak No. 1 Box Brownie. Which if you don't know what that it is, to describe it, would be a wooden box with a piece of class on one end, and a curtain on the end to poke your head in, and look through the glass.
Another thing that people seem to think makes a great picture is mega pixels. Mega pixels help with showing great detail, and when enlarging pictures, the more mega pixels you have, the better resolution you'll have. but Mega pixels don't mean your going to take a great picture. With Technology the way it is, it grows so so much, and so fast, that its hard to keep up, and with the prices each camera body costs, we cant go and buy everything new that comes out. So you may ask, what equipment can help make a picture good? Well, different camera bodies have different features, and each of those features do different things. So it really depends on what you are wanting to photograph. If your doing sports, your going to want a fast shutter speed, at least 10 mega Pixels, and different lenses with different measurements for distances. Along with that, a good external flash with zoom capability to compensate for the distance or make sure the flash has enough power. Vs. if your photographing a wedding, you should have some of the same equipment, shorter lenses, a fast flash with a backup power pack to refresh your power faster, a sense of order and organization, and a creative eye to capture romance in the air.
Now that we know that you can get great pictures with all different kinds of equipment, how does Creativity and a Great Eye Come into play???? These two things go hand and hand in creating a great picture. You need to be able to see the Beauty in everything around you, and then..... Be able to do something different with it. Try to photograph a single object, but find 5 ways to photograph it. Yes, How? easy, photograph it from different angels, maybe shine some different lights on it. So say your photographing a square candle. Well we know a candle has 6 sides, so you can photograph it at least 6 different ways to start. Then, you can photograph it with two different sides showing, with the candle lit, not lit, etc. A great way to do this, is think outside the box, try different things, and if you like it, great, if no, try other things. Check out these ways I have photograph candles. Let me know what you think, give me your opinion and try some stuff out for yourself......... Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!
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