Just after High School, I started working at a well known photo studio in the Fresno area. And its there, I Got my first taste of working with people. In a Photo studio, you work with people, you take into consideration why they are taking photos, who they are giving the photos out to, why kinds of smiles they are interested in, or not interested in, what clothes they want to wear or showcase, etc. Along with those, you get to work with a lot of different ages, so here are some of the things I have learned over the years, and some experiences I have had, not only behind the camera, but being in front of the camera.
Newborns and Infants are when a person first experiences photography. Its a critical time a baby has no idea whats going on, but relates whats going on, with other things that have happen to them. If you look at a photo studio, you see the lights, the camera, people look at you, they are on a flat table, etc. So if you really think about it, babies may feel like they are at the doctors office, maybe getting shots. On the other hand if the photographer takes the steps to make it seem like its a fun and exciting area, the baby will have fun. Most Newborns and Infants are asleep when they go in a take pictures, so you start there, sleeping baby pics are extremely cute and everyone loves them. But when they are awake, you must keep them happy, making goofy faces, making sounds (But not to loud that is scares them), and using stuffed animals.
With toddlers all the way through 1st grade, its all about getting their attention, keeping their attention, and acting stupid is typically the way to go. For some reason violence works wonders. At the Photo Studio, we use to have this stuffed pillow birthday cake with one fake candle attached to the top of it. I would grab it by the candle and smack it in my face, then, as if i was a cartoon, sake my head from side to side as if I was dazed. It looks funnier then it sounds. Or I would have the little guy give me a low five and the moment they hit my hand, I would drop to my knees as if they were so strong it knocked me down. They just thought it was the funniest thing in the world, and I would get great smiles.
For kids 1st grade and up to 6th grade, words work wonders. For me, its stinky feet and fuzzy pickles. I ask them to say one of those, and it gets them to laugh. At this point in age, these kids have been photographed for years, and its just another stupid picture they have to take, so by having them say something off the wall, it Catches them off guard that they cant help but smile or laugh. But keep in mind to change it up from time to time, because words stop being funny after a while. Plus at this age range, a mixture of saying funny or strange things, as well as doing funny or strange things may work for some, but not for all. Some kids may just look at you thinking your stupid.
Which brings me to 7th grade to Junior year of High School. With this age group, it is easiest to relate to them. A lot of these people listen to the same music as you do, go or watch the same movies you do, talk like you do, and with that, get the same jokes you do. So interacting with them is simple and easy. Now the trick is getting them to smile. With boys of this age range, they don't wont to smile, they wont to look straight faced or in some aspects, mean. So to through some of them off guard, you can have them say fuzzy pickles or stinky feet, or even Cuddle bear. But if you joke around with them, you might be able to get them to crack a smile, but you have to be quick to get it, because it may only happen once. With girls, its a different story. If they want to show there attitude, its cute, and being a guy, and showing them how to give attitude, is always funny to them, so you get a great pose plus a great expression. Then if they want to look cute, they will smile for you anyway.
Seniors in High School are a dream. It does not matter if its a guy or girl, this particular subject range is great, they want to be photographed, they want to show their personality, or they want to show who they are or what they do. They are fun, easy to work with, and are a lot of fun. Also with this age they are opinionated without having an opinion. What I mean is, I cant tell you how many times I will show a girl a picture, and they say they don't like it, and I ask, no problem, "What don't you like about it?", and they say "I don't know".
Adults and Families are fun! When it comes to adults, they show up to smile, they have fun with you, they treat you as if your apart of the family. With families, parents smile when they need to, and hope that the kids smile too. They know going into the picture that its going to hang up on their wall, or be sent out to all their other family and want to look great. and kids show up because they want to go out to dinner afterward and have fun.
These are just some aspects throughout the ages, What do you remember about these ages? any good aspects over bad ones? Tell me about some of the pictures you have taken during these years.
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